Saturday, March 24, 2012

Treats from Little & Friday Cookbook

I am supposed to be studying for an exam but I was in Mount Eden today (having a cheese scone from Fraser's-why are they so good!) and I popped into Dymock's, just for a quick browse...left 1/2hour later with a new cookbook tucked under my arm and a big grin.
Mr K thinks it's madness and possibly old age that makes me so easily amused but you cannot beat a good coffee, cheese scone and finding a new delicious cookbook.
The one in question is the new cookbook from Little & Friday cafe owner Kim Evans.
The cafe itself is still on my to do list. Mr K and I have made two big pilgrimages over to the shore to experience the Little & Friday baking and both times come away empty handed. First time it was a late idea on a quiet Sunday afternoon and upon arriving were greeted with a cheerful 'we are closed' from the barista and a very sparse cabinet. He did rustle up a couple of takeaway coffees and chocolate dipped biscotti which was better than nothing but I want to go back and give it a proper go.
A few weeks later we were more prepared and headed out early intending to get the pick of the baking-we were not prepared for the crowds and made a hasty retreat before 'spoiling' it for ourselves as Mr K likes his coffee in a relaxed manner and squawking kids are not relaxing.
So on the 'to do' list it remains.
Finding the cookbook today was an unexpected treat. Mr K was particularly keen for me to purchase-perhaps he's hoping that I may not drag him back to "a random neighbourhood somewhere between Takapuna and Devonport-Are you sure there is a cafe up here?". Bad luck Mr K I just found out there is a Little & Friday outlet in Newmarket! Tomorrow's treat if I can just put this cookbook down and pick the study notes back up but who wants to know about brewing beer when I can drool over Lemon and Coconut cakes.
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